Welcome To Our New Website!

Welcome to the website of Knocktemple National School (Cnoc an Teampaill - the hill of the church).  We hope you will enjoy this website and in so doing, you will learn about ourselves, our school, our community and our locality.
A chara,
It would be great if you could visit our website frequently to keep up to date with all school activities and we hope to display pupil’s work as the year progresses. Our school is rooted in our community and parish and we see the website as a valuable means of communication between home, school and community.

Tá súil agam go mbainfidh tú taitneamh as an suíomh agus gabhaim buíochas don fhoireann agus do na daltaí a bhfuil baint acu leis!

Beir bua,
Vincent Mulvey.  Príomhoide